Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New Concept!

From the feedback I got in critique I have decided to go a different route with the paintings I have been working on. The biggest response I got in critique was to work more narrative and to incorporate figures. I definitely want to use chalk and crayons to give a more childlike feel to the work. I’m also going to work with very specific childhood memories. This will be a good direction for me because it relates to the work I want to do for Graduate school. I want to be an Art Therapist who mostly works with woman and children who have been mentally and physically abused. Through art I want to help them heal and move on from their pain. In this painting project I will play the role of the patient and the Art Therapist for myself. I want to capture very specific childhood memories of mine—good times with pleasant connotations, funny moments, and heart-wrenching memories that have held me back and therefore only continue to hurt me. In this project I will use art to help myself heal from certain negative memories from my childhood. I will be my own Art Therapist. I’m going to start with drawing on paper with paint and slowly work towards developing a painting.

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