Friday, September 11, 2009

Recent work--Bug Series

Here are a few pieces I have been working on the past three weeks:

This is the first painting I did this semester. It's of a South African beetle called the Dicrnorhiha Derbyana. I tried to create some interesting beetle-like texture.

This is a detail of the wing on a Phaon Crescent Butterfly. In this one I tried to create a texture that mimics the dust found on butterfly wings.

This is a painting of a Thornbug. It's the most recent one I have done. It's more abstract than the other two. I'm not sure if this is the direction I want to head towards or stick with what I've been doing. I want to start incorporating the full insect body into the paintings though. This one does that in the under-painting. You can see it coming through in the bottom middle of the painting.

1 comment:

  1. I like the shapes in first one a lot. Looks a little Georgia O'Keefe -esque.
